Saturday, February 04, 2006

Christianity and gaming-- part 1

Today someone linked me to this site called to show me some perspectives by other female writers of the gaming industry. The site was made by a female in particular.
I looked through though and came across quite a bit of contraversy. Little did I know, that now the game based on CS Lewis's wonderful series is now under the microscope. The ongoing debate is weather or not the game has Christian based themes. And, additonally, if so, should be marketed as such.
Here was my comment on their section---

interesting topic...

I generally am pretty neutral in chosing my games. I guess, quite frankly I'm not the type that is going to go searching for a game that is one specific way as far as morals and values.. because.. well, in my mind, it's just a game.

(btw, I'm the mother of 3 children and encourage video games... heh, id be a hypocrite if I did otherwise)

Now yes, there are some wonderful games out there that definately lean towards catagories- like math blaster and games of that sort for example.
However, let's not get nit picky.

This is not about the persecution that there are not enough of x moral or immoral based genre games styles out there. That is very silly to even derive such a notion.

These are businesses making these games. Yell at the people who market the game if you don't care for how it's being done. Or praise them. Yell at the democraphics of people that generally are the market for video games. Yell at the people who who write the movies or the books---last time I noticed, that was the freedom of the pen, and the beauty of free thought.

As far as Narnia- I could care less whatever view it holds- Christian or otherwise. I read the books as a child, and saw this movie because of the fantasy and magic that it held to me. If it can be viewed as that it backed up some of the fundamental views made no difference to me. If anything, it can be argued that there are undertones to it that can be viewed subjectively. Why force something that really has no need to be catagoried blatantly into that?

for further information, or to post your own comment to their forums if you so chose, please visit the following sites:


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